Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Oasis in Boston & Burlington

It's late and I'm still recovering from my broken wrist. So I will just post a few photos to sum up my June 26-28 trip to Boston and the Northern Shore, including signings of my book, Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends, at the Prudential, Boston University and Burlington Barnes & Nobles.

Barnes & Noble Prudential Center, Friday, June 26, 2015

Just as I was heading out with my friend Carol on Saturday, June 27 to
the Boston Tea Party Ship & Museum, I discovered why so many seagulls 
were congregating outside my hotel room at 89 Broad Street.  When I first settled 
into my room the morning of Friday June 26, I kept thinking 
my phone, with its distinctive seagull soun, was ringing!

At Barnes & Noble Boston University, later in day -- Saturday, June 27, 2015
... with my friend Carol Stahr Savage
Barnes & Noble Burlington, Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sold three of the five copies I signed at Burlington B&N...
... one to my friend Brenda Thorderson, whom I ran into at the Ayres Mansion,
home of Bayridge Residence, celebrating its 55th... I autographed her copy of Oasis
with above personalized message... below, she is marveling
at my left-handed writing, which she calls my "artwork"...

... exhaling in the North End at Limoncello's, next to Paul Revere's home...
was joined by my friend Robin Avakian Schwartz, pictured below...

For more information about Oasis, see www.maryclairecinema.com and click on book. 

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