I was delighted to see this Hollywood quality video promoting my book, Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends... I think you’ll enjoy it... and hope you’ll have a chance to read my book... available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and many other venues, as noted on the project news page of my website, www.maryclairecinema.com .
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
"Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends" - short promo video
I was delighted to see this Hollywood quality video promoting my book, Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends... I think you’ll enjoy it... and hope you’ll have a chance to read my book... available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and many other venues, as noted on the project news page of my website, www.maryclairecinema.com .
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Oasis in Chicagoland
The author signing copies of Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends at Barnes & Noble State Street (Near North Side) |
Just finished a whirlwind trip to Chicago for my Oasis book tour and it was a big success -- including a terrific interview on "The Morning Answer," 560 AM, Salem News Network, hosted by Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson, on Thursday, May 21, 7:19-27 AM (CT). (For more information on OASIS and the book tour, see my website, maryclairecinema.com, project news page.)
My book is being carried at Barnes & Nobles in Chicagoland, including DePaul Center, State Street (Near North Side), where I signed copies, Lincoln Park, Evanston, and Skokie, both Old Orchard and Village Crossing, among others. It's also being carried at Pauline Books & Media, 172 North Michigan Avenue, where I signed copies, as well, including two personalized for buyers while I was there; and St. Peter in the Loop Book Store.
Below are some photos from my trip:
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Pauline Books & Media, 172 North Michigan referred to as
"the Oasis of the Loop" by Relevant Radio. Signed copies there,
two of which were personalized for buyers. See below for generic signed copy. |
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Oasis being displayed at St. Peter in the Loop Bookstore. Below, last two photos show St. Anthony of Padua and Our Lady of Guadalupe images in St. Peter in the Loop Church. |
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Barnes & Noble DePaul Center #1 |
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Barnes & Noble DePaul Center #2 |
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Barnes & Noble DePaul Center #3 |
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Barnes & Noble State Street (Near North Side) and below, en route along "the Magnificent Mile," standing in front of the famous Chicago Water Tower |
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Latest Washington, DC Stop on "Oasis" Book Tour
Today, Wednesday, May 13, I spoke at a private gathering of influential conservatives in
Washington, DC. Oasis flyer was posted on accompanying screens as I spoke. No photos, recordings or
videos were allowed, as the meeting is OTR. Below photo of me was
taken shortly after I spoke by a kindly employee in the building around the corner from site of meeting, where I
parked. Also, see below for the text of my remarks, as
well as notes on my off the cuff remarks at the end. [For more information on the book and book tour, see my website.]
Thank you,
___ (moderator).
My name is
Mary Claire Kendall. I’m the author of Oasis:Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends, recently published by Franciscan
It’s ironic.
The last time I came here, we were working to sideline Hillarycare. Now,
umpteen years later, we’re working to sideline Hillary. But, more importantly we’re working to
nominate the next Reagan. Because, for all his flaws, one thing Barack Obama has
done marvelously well, is teed up, Jimmy Carter-like, a president of similarly
historic proportions.
But, today I’m
here to talk briefly about Hollywood, home of American cinema, and the stars
we’ve all grown to love and admire.
Stars from
Hollywood’s Golden Age, whom some of you may not be so familiar with. BUT YOU SHOULD.
Because, in
fact, they were some of Reagan’s best friends, and they helped tell stories of
American greatness and straightforwardness that are important to absorb.
instance, Gary Cooper, who coincidentally died 54 years ago today, and about
whom I write among my “all-star twelve,” famously starred in Sergeant York (1941), High Noon (1952), Pride of theYankees (1941), Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936), and on and on. If you haven’t seen these
films, do! [Then, I asked how many
knew Coop and about 2/3 of the hands shot up.]
My book, with
a foreward by Mother Dolores Hart, whom you may have seen on The O’Reilly Factor earlier this year, looks at these stars through the lens of their
humanity, telling the story of their lives, the very beats and arc of which
show how they were transformed by faith.
In so doing, I am attempting to transform your understanding of these legends, helping you to see them in a whole
new light. As my friend Harry Flynn, who
was publicist to many stars, including Bob Hope, said, Oasis shows the soul behind the billboard.
But, first,
let’s step back and look at Hollywood through the political lens you are
accustomed to.
of course, used to be a denizen of conservative Republicans. It still is, to a
certain degree—stars like Kelsey Grammer, and many more, still proud
Republications. Though, as we all know, it is not considered quite as fashionable to be a Republican
in Hollywood these days as it once was. (Though fashion, like beauty, is in the
eye of the beholder.)
But, when
Hollywood was just making its mark on the American psyche, it was very fashionable, indeed, to be a
Republican. Most of those who built Hollywood belonged to the Grand Old Party.
People like Mary Pickford, Louis B. Mayer, Cecil B. DeMille, John Ford, Cooper, John Wayne, Bob Hope, and of course, Ronald Reagan, to name just a few—many of whom I write about in
Most of the
stars I write about experienced some kind of crisis that brought them face to
face with their human weakness and their need for God.
It’s just
that simple.
In depicting
this phenomena, I write the life stories
of these stars, because you can’t begin to understand someone unless you know
where they came from, what they achieved and how, what their weaknesses and
strengths were—and how far they fell, or merely drifted—to understand how
incredible their journey and discovery of God was.
My book
includes Alfred Hitchcock, Cooper, Bob Hope, Mary Astor, John Wayne, Ann
Sothern, Jane Wyman, Susan Hayward, Lana Turner, Betty Hutton, Ann Miller and
Patricia Neal.
It was a
privilege to write about these stars, entering into their lives, gaining an
appreciation for how much they endured in their climb to the top. Because,
believe me, nothing was handed to
them on a silver platter. Then came the celebrity and fame. And, what that does to a soul! And, the
predictable problems. They were, after all, mere mortals, the Hollywood
publicity machine notwithstanding. That machine, in fact, often ginned up as
much publicity as problems.
But, then,
in the amazing way that God brings good out of evil, these problems, in fact, were
what led them to God.
[Then, I added some off the cuff comments, noting
that while Hollywood viewed Washington as “Hollywood for Ugly People” and Washington,
especially conservatives, view Hollywood as the source of many national ills,
the truth is the art of communication, which Ronald Reagan knew so well, was
something he largely learned in Hollywood. It’s important to study this art—to
get your message out. Then, I noted,
while this book does not cover any policy issues—the point of these meetings
being to advance a conservative policy agenda—it does highlight the importance
of God and, given the tough times we’re going through—and the gridlock in
Washington—if we hope to achieve anything of value to the nation, we certainly need the help of God.]
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Oasis in Woodland & Hollywood Hills & Beyond

One of the touchstones was a marvelous book signing, which St. Mel Parish hosted for me on Wednesday, April 29 at 7 PM. This well-attended event in Woodland Hills, California, 20 miles northwest of Hollywood, included the grandson of Spencer Tracy, Joe Tracy, and Fr. Padraic Loftus, Pastor Emeritus at St. Mel. Fr. Loftus baptized Ann Miller in the waning moments of her life, the story of which is included in the respective Oasis chapter. Interestingly, the Motion Picture Home, where Mary Astor lived out her final years, is located in Woodland Hills.
Here is the audio of the event including the introduction, my remarks and the Q&A. Afterwards I signed books, followed by a reception where we continued our lively conversation. A lovely event!
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Pacific Design Center where Rogers & Cowan is located |
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Hope Estate in Toluca Lake |
On Friday, May 1, I brainstormed with a PR genius whose focus is Hollywood. What valuable lessons she imparted! That morning I attended mass at St. Charles Borromeo, where Dolores and Bob Hope worshipped, just down the street from their former home in Toluca Lake. Afterwards, I left a signed copy of my book for some folks who played a special role in its realization.
On Saturday, May 2, I attended a private luncheon for Roger Michael Cardinal Mahoney and Archbishop Emeritus at Blessed Sacrament Church on Sunset Boulevard, on whose door Mary Astor knocked at a pivotal moment in her life, about which I write in Oasis.
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Author in front of John Barrymore's home around the corner from Moorcrest |
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Entrance to Moorcrest |
On Monday, May 4, I toured the neighborhood where John Barrymore and Mary Astor lived. Mary’s home, known as Moorcrest, was nestled in an enclave within the Hollywood Hills intended for members of the Theosophical Society. Moorcrest as once home to Charlie Chaplin. My “tour guide” for this part of the Hollywood Hills was the very accomplished Lisa Mitchell, a fountain of knowledge about classic old Hollywood. She is the author of The Hollywood Canteen, among other literary achievements.
This overview provides but a flavor of this memorable trip in the stomping ground of the stars I write about in Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends.
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